Guy Kawasaki offers gems for business success

by | Nov 17, 2016

Goa, 17 November: The third day of the Gartner Symposium /ITexpo here kicked off with a much anticipated and enlightening keynote by Guy Kawasaki. The ever-smiling Guy enthralled a full-house with his witticisms, punch lines and common sense anecdotes from life. Incidentally, Guy was on the very first Macintosh team (1984) and got to work with the late Steve Jobs. So naturally, there were touches of Apple strategies and products during his presentation.

The original Mactinosh team (1984). Guy in the last row on the left

The original Mactinosh team (1984). Guy in the last row on the left


Here are some gems and punchlines from his presentation:

Don’t let the bozos grind you down

Innovation is not a event but a process

10-20-30 rule : 10 slides 20 minutes smallest font 30. And get you background black

Customize you intro; use local examples to bond with your audiences

Role the DICEE – Depth, Intelligent, Complete, Empowering, Elegant

Great products, great solutions are complete and elegant

MVVVP – Make minimally viable valuable validating products

Jump to the next curve

Let 100 flowers blossom

Churn Baby, Churn. It can’t be done, it shouldn’t be done. How much can you ignore- you detractors, banks and your customer

To be an innovator you have to be in denial

Every great Innovation polarizes people. Otherwise it is mediocre

Hardest thing is to keep going – it’s law of the game – it’s a process in innovation

The holy grail of marketing is the uniqueness of the product

Niche Thyself – Uniqueness, Value


Also see our live posts on this session on Twitter – @brian9p  and #GartnerSYM


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Brian Pereira
Brian Pereira
Brian Pereira is an Indian journalist and editor based in Mumbai. He founded Digital Creed in 2015. A technology buff, former computer instructor, and software developer, Brian has 29 years of journalism experience (since 1994). Brian is the former Editor of CHIP India, InformationWeek India and CISO Mag. He has served India's leading newspaper groups: The Times of India and The Indian Express. Presently, he serves the Information Security Media Group, as Sr. Director, Editorial. You'll find his most current work on CIO Inc. During his career he wrote (and continues to write) 5000+ technology articles. He conducted more than 450 industry interviews. Brian writes on aviation, drones, cybersecurity, tech startups, cloud, data center, AI/ML/Gen AI, IoT, Blockchain etc. He achieved certifications from the EC-Council (Certified Secure Computer User) and from IBM (Basics of Cloud Computing). Apart from those, he has successfully completed many courses on Content Marketing and Business Writing. He recently achieved a Certificate in Cybersecurity (CC) from the international certification body ISC2. Follow Brian on Twitter (@creed_digital) and LinkedIn. Email Brian at: [email protected]
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